Title: Effective and reproducible data visualizations, with demos in Python


This talk explores the principles and practices of data visualization, with demonstrations in Python. We will cover best practices for creating transparent, shareable, and reproducible visualizations, emphasizing the importance of considering human perception when creating visualizations.
Key topics include: 1) Data visualization principles and best practices; 2) Demonstrations of visualization techniques using Python libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly; and 3) Writing code for reproducible data visualization pipelines.
Whether you are new to data visualization or looking to improve your skills, this talk will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to create effective and transparent visualizations.

Speaker Bio:

Kendra is a PhD candidate in the lab of Jean-Baptiste Poline at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She works on neuroimaging meta-research, and she is the co-founder and -organizer of Open Science Office Hours.


Date: Friday, June 21st 2024

Time: 09:00 PST | 17:00 West Africa Time | 16:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Link: To be sent to only registered participants

Contact Information


View recordings of previous sessions on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@COMPASS-nn5or 






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