The inaugural SPARK Academy, in collaboration with McMedHacks, supported by McGill University Graduate Mobility Awards and Compute Canada, took place from April 3rd to August 31st, 2023. The program focused on addressing the pressing issue of cancer diagnosis in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with an emphasis on preparing trainees to participate in the 2023 MICCAI brain tumor segmentation challenge (BraTS). SPARK 2023 yielded remarkable results, with the development of 10 AI models, 8 of which were part of the MICCAI brain tumor segmentation (BraTS) Challenge competition. One of SPARK`s team models named “Bridging the Gap secured the second position at the competition and was presented at the MICCAI 2023 conference, while other models were showcased at Deep Learning Indaba 2023. Beyond training, SPARK’s influence extends to the translation of AI-DL projects into tangible enhancements of clinical practices, and in growing a computational AI community in Africa. The 2023 program evaluation by the participants underscored the positive impact of the program on their knowledge, skills, and perception of AI.

The 2024 edition is here, register to be part of this opportunity to transform your skill as a Medical imaging professional.

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